The MSA Science High School Reviewers are currently sporting a new look. I recommend studying the advanced concepts only after the student has had a solid grasp of his lessons.

Don’t let your child be discouraged by the difficult questions they’re generally based on advanced topics that are not taught in many schools. Questions on MSA science high school reviewers tend to be much harder than the ones the student may encounter on the actual tests. Like the official PSHS reviewer, the MSA test prep books lack a review of key concepts/formulas, but answers and solutions are explained satisfactorily. Additionally there’s a bigger reviewer that promises 1000 questions and answers. is the red book and Volume 2 the yellow book). There’s the two-volume MSA Qualifying Test Preparation for Philippine Science High Schools ( Volume 1. MSA Philippine Science High School Reviewers MSA Science High School ReviewersĪ trusted name in test preparation and tutorial services, the MSA Institute publishes three books devoted to science high school entrance exam prep. Only two volumes were available from PSHS Main at the time, but evidently they sufficed for my son’s preparation. The official PSHS reviewers are available at bookstores of all PSHS campuses and costs about 200-250 pesos each (I really don’t remember, so please don’t hold me to it). You can download sample test questions from the official PSHS site. My only beef with the PSHS reviewers is its lack of concept review and answer explanations. According to Motito, the questions in the reviewer closely matched those on the actual NCE in terms of content and level of difficulty. The PSHS includes practice questions and answers for each of the four sections of the NCE: Science, Math, Language, and Abstract Reasoning. You can’t go wrong with reviewers written by the very school system that gives the exam. The PSHS has published three volumes of its reviewer for the National Competitive Examination (starts at Vol.2 there appears to be no Vol. PSHS reviewers (image credit: Core Concepts on Carousell.ph)